Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Class Schedule Changes

The Kaminari Dojo Class Schedule will change starting Monday. May 10th. Here is the new schdule:

Monday: Striking for MMA 6-7pm - Grappling for MMA 7-8pm

Tuesday: Striking for MMA 6-7pm - Grappling for MMA 7-8pm

Wednesday: Striking for MMA 6-7pm - Grappling for MMA 7-8pm

Thursday: Striking for MMA 6-7pm - Grappling for MMA 7-8pm

Friday: OFF

Saturday: Striking for MMA 10am-11am - Grappling for MMA 11am-12pm

Sunday: OFF

**Note: Please note that the website will not reflect these changes for a couple weeks as I need to have the web designer in Tokyo make the changes. Thanks for understanding**

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